Apple ProRes vs Avid DNxHD for Video Editing

May 30, 2021

Apple ProRes vs Avid DNxHD: Which One Should You Use for Video Editing?

Video editing is a task that requires a powerful computer and an excellent codec to ensure that the final product is of the highest quality. If you're a video editor, then you've probably heard of Apple ProRes and Avid DNxHD as two popular codecs for post-production work. But which one should you use? In this post, we'll compare Apple ProRes vs Avid DNxHD and help you decide which one is the better option for your video editing needs.

Apple ProRes

Apple ProRes is a codec developed by Apple specifically for post-production work. It was designed to retain as much image quality as possible while also making the files easy to edit. There are several versions of Apple ProRes available, ranging from ProRes Proxy, which is suitable for low-resolution editing, to ProRes 4444 XQ, which can handle 12-bit 4K and higher resolutions.

Pros of Apple ProRes

  • Image Quality: Apple ProRes is known for its visually lossless compression, which means that the image quality remains almost identical to the original source material. This is especially important for filmmakers who want to keep their footage as pristine as possible during post-production work.

  • Playback: Apple ProRes files can be played back easily on most computers and software without needing additional plugins or hardware. This makes it an excellent option for working on a variety of devices and platforms.

  • Editing: Apple ProRes files are easy to edit because they maintain a high level of image quality while also being relatively small in size. This means that you won't have to wait long for your footage to load or render.

Cons of Apple ProRes

  • Compatibility: While Apple ProRes files can be played back easily, they can only be encoded and decoded using Apple hardware and software. This can be limiting if you're working with third-party software or hardware.

  • File Size: While Apple ProRes files are smaller in size than many other professional codecs, they still take up a considerable amount of space on your hard drive. This can be a concern if you're working on a project with a lot of footage.

Avid DNxHD

Avid DNxHD is a codec developed by Avid, the makers of the popular Avid Media Composer software. Like Apple ProRes, DNxHD was designed to retain as much image quality as possible while also making files easy to edit. DNxHD files come in several versions, including DNxHD 36, which is suitable for low-resolution editing, and DNxHD 444, which can handle 12-bit 4K and higher resolutions.

Pros of Avid DNxHD

  • Compatibility: Avid DNxHD is a cross-platform codec, meaning that it can be used on both Mac and Windows computers. This makes it an excellent option if you're working in a mixed environment with different types of hardware and software.

  • File Size: Avid DNxHD files are smaller than Apple ProRes files, which means that they take up less space on your hard drive. This can be an advantage if you're working on a project with a lot of footage.

Cons of Avid DNxHD

  • Playback: Avid DNxHD files can be harder to play back on some computers and software without additional plugins or hardware. This can limit your options when it comes to playback and collaborating with others on your project.

  • Encoding Time: Encoding Avid DNxHD files can take longer than encoding Apple ProRes files, which means that you may have to wait longer for your footage to be ready for editing.


When it comes to choosing between Apple ProRes vs Avid DNxHD, there is no clear-cut winner. Both codecs are excellent options for post-production work and can help you achieve high-quality results. If you're working on a project with a lot of footage, then Avid DNxHD may be a better choice due to its smaller file size. If you're working in a mixed environment or collaborating with others, then Avid DNxHD's cross-platform compatibility may be an advantage. Alternatively, if you're working exclusively on Apple hardware and software, then Apple ProRes will be a great fit. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences.


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